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Studying bioactive compounds for their health care potential

OMG Mushrooms feature a natural, full-spectrum balance of diverse active biomolecules, such as beta-glucans, terpenes, free amino acids, sterols, lectins, vitamins, and minerals. This unique composition contributes to a multitude of health benefits, encompassing immunomodulation, prebiotic support, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiallergic, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, anticancer, and antihyperlipidemic properties (Venturella et al., 2021). These effects stem from the abundance of bioactive metabolites primarily found in the fruiting body of medicinal mushrooms. The specific chemical nature of each molecule determines its impact, and the quantity and distribution of these biomolecules vary depending on the fungal species. Ongoing research aims to uncover novel active biomolecules within medicinal mushrooms, with a focus on isolating, identifying, and characterising these compounds. Understanding their mechanisms of action is crucial, reflecting the increasing interest in utilising natural products for both general well-being and as complementary support to conventional medical treatments.

Most important biomolecules in medicinal mushrooms

Moreover, our extraction process, utilising subcritical water extraction, ensures the preservation of all biomolecules as nature intended, including valuable mushroom fibre (prebiotic) as recommended by world renown Mycologist and Herbalist Dr Christopher Hobbs PHD.


Discovering the world of Terpenes

Terpenes – biomolecules derived from mevalonic acid that pack a powerful antioxidant punch. These compounds, especially triterpenes and diterpenes found in medicinal mushrooms, offer notable pharmacological benefits. Alongside polysaccharides, terpenes take center stage as key bioactive components in medicinal mushrooms, with noteworthy examples like ganoderic acid A and B in Ganoderma lucidum and Hericenones in Hericium erinaceus.

Main functions of Terpenes

Terpenes, abundant in medicinal mushrooms, showcase a myriad of unique therapeutic properties. From immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects to hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, and hepatoprotective actions, these compounds contribute significantly to holistic well-being. Notably, their anti-inflammatory prowess involves inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory substances, mediated by the inhibition of NF-kappaβ and signaling pathways like AP-1.

Terpenes also exhibit antioxidant capabilities, safeguarding against hepatotoxicity by activating antioxidant enzymes and shielding normal cells from radiation-induced damage. Beyond physical health, terpenes play a role in mental well-being, acting as precursors of endorphins and neurotransmitters. This induces relaxation through their sedative and calming actions, offering a serene touch to the therapeutic landscape. While Ganoderma lucidum takes the spotlight in terpene studies, it's worth noting the significance of terpenes from Hericium erinaceus, Grifola frondosa, and Agaricus blazei in this captivating field.

Terpenes can be classified as monoterpenes, triterpenes, diterpenes, etc., depending on the number of carbon atoms they contain.

Hericenones and erinacines

Hericenones and erinacines, terpenoids derived from Hericium erinaceus, commonly known as Lion’s Mane, play a pivotal role in regulating the gut-brain axis. Their reparative effects on the gastroesophageal mucosa are well-documented, contributing to the intricate connection between the gut and the brain. Recent research underscores their neuro-regenerating and neuroprotective properties, emphasizing their crucial role in fostering nerve growth and protection.

Studies conducted by Ma et al. in 2010 and Kolotushkina et al. in 2003 have demonstrated the ability of hericenones and erinacines to stimulate the synthesis of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Moreover, these terpenoids actively contribute to the myelination of neurons, enhancing the overall health and functionality of the nervous system. As we stay updated on the latest findings, the significance of Hericium erinaceus terpenoids in promoting neurological well-being becomes increasingly evident.


Unveiling the power of Beta Glucans

Beta glucans, naturally occurring polysaccharides found in the cell walls of fungi, have gained attention for their remarkable bioactive properties. Among the various types, Beta-(1,3 - 1,6)-D-glucans stand out as the most studied, showcasing significant benefits for human health. Recent research has highlighted their pivotal role in influencing the immune system, regulating immune responses, and impacting cardiovascular health.

The essence of Beta Glucans

1. Boosting Immunity and Combating Cancer:
Beta-glucans, notably Beta-(1,3 - 1,6)-D-glucans, actively support the immune system, showing potential in preventing cancer and inhibiting tumor growth. They serve as natural allies for enhancing immune defenses and reducing cancer risks.

2. Supporting Post-Treatment Recovery:
As adjuvants in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, beta-glucans play a vital role in restoring red blood cells (haematopoiesis) after bone marrow injury. This dual function positions beta-glucans as valuable supporters during medical interventions.

3. Prebiotic Action and Gut Health:
Beta-glucans act as prebiotics, positively influencing the intestinal microbiota. This promotes a healthier digestive system, enhancing nutrient absorption and recognizing the crucial link between gut health and overall well-being.

In summary, beta-glucans emerge as versatile compounds with impactful roles in immune support, post-treatment recovery, and gut health, presenting an attractive option for those prioritising holistic well-being.

Sterols and Statins

Unraveling the role of Sterols and Statins in medicinal mushrooms

The fascinating world of medicinal mushrooms reveals their potential as a natural source of lovastatin, a statin known for its cholesterol-lowering effects. The fruiting bodies of these mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms, harbor this valuable compound, making them a unique and naturally occurring reservoir of statins. Lovastatin, belonging to the statin group, is widely recognized for its role in managing cholesterol levels.

Main functions of Sterols and Statins

Medicinal mushrooms emerge as natural statin powerhouses, with their fruiting bodies containing lovastatin, a compound integral to the statin group widely used in cholesterol-lowering medications (Kala et al., 2020). Lovastatin's presence in these mushrooms positions them as potential allies in preventing hypercholesterolemia, a condition characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Incorporating these mushrooms into your diet could be a flavorful and holistic approach to supporting heart health by harnessing the natural benefits of statins found in the bountiful world of medicinal mushrooms. Stay attuned to ongoing research as it unravels more about the contributions of sterols and statins in promoting cardiovascular well-being.


The marvels of mushroom Enzymes

In the vast kingdom of medicinal mushrooms, enzymes take the spotlight, showcasing a plethora of health-promoting activities. These incredible compounds are abundantly present in many medicinal mushrooms, contributing to their unique and beneficial properties.

Enzymes and antioxidants: Guardian heroes of wellness

Among the array of enzymes found in medicinal mushrooms, some play the role of antioxidant heroes. Think of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (Gred) as the defenders against free radicals. These enzymes work tirelessly to neutralize these rogue elements, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Protease and Glucose-2 Oxidase group Enzymes: Guardians against unwanted proliferation

Delving deeper, enzymes from the protease group and glucose-2 oxidase step into the spotlight. These unsung heroes play a crucial role in limiting cell proliferation, a key factor in curbing tumor growth and preventing metastasis. By putting the brakes on excessive cell division, these enzymes become valuable guardians in the fight against unwanted cellular activities, promoting a healthier and more balanced system. Embrace the wonders of mushroom enzymes as they work harmoniously to support your well-being!

Glycoproteins or Proteoglycans 

Unveiling the power of Glycoproteins

The world of glycoproteins, also known as proteoglycans, are peptides wielding a crucial role in immunomodulation. These remarkable compounds showcase an impressive ability to boost the activity of immune defenders like macrophages, NK cells, and T lymphocytes.

Main functions of Glycoproteins or Proteoglycans

Immunodulatory and anti-tumor marvels:
Glycoproteins exhibit a dual-action prowess in immune support. Firstly, their immunomodulatory function acts as a regulator, preventing an overreaction of the immune system and safeguarding against autoimmune responses. Secondly, their anti-tumor activity is notable, as they elevate the release of specific cytokines, promoting cytotoxic activity against cancerous cells.

Intricate mechanism of action:
Operating like clever mimics, glycoproteins simulate pathogens, triggering an immune response. Despite being harmless, they prompt the immune system into action, enhancing the activity of macrophages, NK cells, and T-lymphocytes. This dynamic mechanism positions glycoproteins as valuable allies in maintaining a balanced and vigilant immune system.

PSK (Polysaccharide Krestine):
One standout glycoprotein is PSK, a protein-bound polysaccharide derived from Coriolus versicolor. Since the late 1970s, PSK has been a beacon of hope in Japan as an immune system modulator and adjuvant agent in cancer treatment. Recent studies reinforce its benefits as an adjuvant in addressing stomach, esophageal, colorectal, breast, and lung cancers, offering promising possibilities in the ever-evolving landscape of oncology.


Unveiling the influence of Lectins

Lectins are derived from certain medicinal mushrooms. These unique compounds possess the remarkable ability to bind to tumor cells, impeding their proliferation and playing a crucial role in various biological processes.

Main functions of Lectins

Lectins: Multifaceted health supporters:
Found predominantly in the fruiting body of medicinal mushrooms, lectins are glycoproteins that have become the focus of extensive scientific research. Numerous studies, including those conducted by Sing SS et al. in 2014, have identified many mushroom lectins, shedding light on their diverse health-promoting benefits. Recent years have witnessed a surge in attention towards these compounds, attributing to their immunomodulatory, antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumor, and various other health-enhancing actions.

Beyond tumor binding:
While their ability to bind to tumor cells is a standout feature, lectins go beyond and actively contribute to fundamental biological processes. They participate in cell signaling, aid in the clearance of glycoproteins from the circulatory system, and foster interactions among immune system cells. This multifaceted role underscores the significance of lectins in supporting overall well-being, making them intriguing elements in the realm of medicinal mushrooms and holistic health.


Mushrooms: A plant-based Vitamin D powerhouse

Mushrooms stand out as a unique and valuable dietary source of vitamin D, making them an essential addition for vegetarians and vegans seeking this vital nutrient (Cardwell et al., 2018). Unlike other natural sources, mushrooms offer a trifecta of bioavailable vitamin D forms, encompassing D2, D3, and D4, providing a comprehensive vitamin D boost (Boston University Medical Center, 2013). This diverse vitamin D profile suggests that integrating mushrooms into one's diet can be a meaningful step in addressing global vitamin D deficiency concerns (Cardwell et al., 2018).

Vitamin D from mushrooms: A holistic health boost

Vitamin D, crucial for various aspects of human health, plays roles ranging from aiding in bone fracture recovery to defending against conditions like prostate cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neuromuscular problems, and diabetes (Kamweru PK et al., 2016). With changes in lifestyle reducing sunlight exposure, mushrooms emerge as a convenient and natural solution to supplement vitamin D intake. Notably, they are the sole non-animal and vegan food source rich in this essential nutrient, catering to the dietary needs of vegetarians (Cardwell et al., 2018).

Beyond Vitamin D: The nutrient-rich bounty of medicinal mushrooms

Furthermore, medicinal mushrooms extend their nutritional prowess beyond vitamin D, providing an array of essential vitamins such as B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B9 (folic acid), C, B1, B12, and E (Valverde ME et al., 2015). Rich in minerals like magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium (S. E. Mallikarjuna et al., 2013), these mushrooms offer a holistic nutritional package. Additionally, the balanced set of naturally occurring free amino acids, including vital ones like leucine, valine, glutamine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid, contributes to their nutritional value and potent antioxidant properties (Nachshol Cohen et al., 2014). Embracing mushrooms as a dietary component can be a flavourful and health-conscious choice, harnessing the diverse benefits they offer for overall well-being.


The wonders of Ergosterol in mushrooms

Ergosterol takes center stage in mushrooms, setting them apart from plants with its abundant presence (Cardwell et al., 2018). Unlike plants, fungi boast high concentrations of ergosterol, which plays a pivotal role in their unique biology. Not only is ergosterol a powerhouse itself, showcasing antioxidant properties, but it also serves as the primary sterol produced by mushrooms. What makes it even more fascinating is its role as a provitamin for D2, getting transformed into vitamin D2 within the fungus upon exposure to sunlight.

Main functions of Ergosterol: A mushroom's antioxidant ally and beyond

Ergosterol, with its antioxidant prowess, stands as a key compound in mushrooms, contributing to their health benefits. As the main sterol produced by mushrooms, ergosterol serves as a precursor to vitamin D2, adding to the impressive repertoire of vitamins that mushrooms offer, including D3 and D4. This makes medicinal mushrooms a significant natural source of these essential vitamins.

In the realm of oncology, the applications of ergosterol from medicinal mushrooms are noteworthy. Numerous studies highlight its potential in inhibiting various types of tumor cells, such as ovarian cancer. The mechanism involves preventing angiogenesis and stimulating cytotoxicity through the downregulation of β-catenins and inhibition of STAT3 proteins. This underscores the multifaceted nature of ergosterol, showcasing its role not just as a precursor to vitamin D but also as a valuable ally in the potential fight against certain types of cancer. Stay tuned to the evolving research, as ergosterol continues to unveil its secrets in contributing to overall well-being.


Unlocking wellness

Mycotherapists advocate for the inclusion of medicinal 'Mushroom Powder' or 'Myco-Honey Pearls' in your diet, emphasising its exceptional advantages stemming from its rich fibre content and prebiotic qualities.

Concentrated fibre source

Medicinal mushroom powders /myco-honey pearls, derived from potent fungi, offer a concentrated source of dietary fibre, making them a valuable addition to your wellness routine. This fibre content goes beyond providing a sense of fullness; it plays a pivotal role in supporting gut health.

Prebiotic marvels

What makes medicinal mushroom powder / myco-honey pearls stand out is its inherent prebiotic nature. By acting as a prebiotic, these powders / myco-honey pearls fuel the growth and activity of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. This, in turn, contributes to the establishment of a robust and diverse gut microbiome. The symbiotic relationship between medicinal mushroom powder / pearls, fibre, and gut health becomes a powerful combination for those seeking a holistic approach to well-being.

Integrating medicinal or functional mushroom supplements

Integrating medicinal also known as functional mushroom powder into your daily regimen isn't just about fortifying your diet; it's a strategic move to enhance your fibre intake and cultivate a thriving gut environment. As we delve into the nuanced interplay between medicinal mushroom powder and gut health, it becomes evident that these fungi, in their concentrated form, serve as potent allies in promoting overall wellness.